Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Dems: You Are The Biggest Losers

"I want to be very clear, Hillary Clinton and the Dems have no one to blame for what happened tonight but themselves."

Last night, I posted this. Let me explain what I meant since you can't really explain much on Twitter. The reason for my statement extends back to the type of candidate Hillary Clinton is and the behavior displayed during this election cycle. Many, myself included, believe Hillary Clinton would have said anything to get elected and then, flip on those promises once she does get elected. A prime example of this is the TPP where if it wasn't for Bernie during the primaries, she would have never went against it.

Speaking of Bernie, who was he anyway? After all, since Fall 2015, the Dems have chosen Hillary Clinton as their candidate. Well, he was the one to show the world just how weak of a candidate Hillary truly was. Remember, before the primary season began, he was an unknown. Over time though, it was pretty obvious he was the candidate the Dems needed and brought a level of excitement that Obama brought in 2008.

Leading Up To The Democratic National Convention

As Bernie started getting traction, the negativity started getting published. Basically, the mainstream media started writing articles and reporting how bad of a candidate he is, how far fetched Bernie’s policies truly are, how much of a Socialist he is; the list can go on. Shoot, I remember a day where one media outlet posted 16 negative articles against Bernie in the span of a few hours. These actions started chipping away at Bernie and eventually overtook him. It was later shown that many of his policies would have worked considering they are working in European countries already and they are flourishing.

Let’s not get started with the whole Dem Primary process, shall we. If we must though, I recall there were plenty of issues in the primaries. I believe New York Primaries were reported to close polling places and/or change times of polling places in areas favoring Sanders. Many were also denied the right to vote in the primaries thanks the state’s cutoff date to register, which I believe was Oct 2015. Jump to Arizona and what comes to mind is Maricopa County, where polling places were dramatically cut in area with a high minority population that people waited 6+ hours in line to vote. It also did not help that the state was called for Hillary when people were still in line waiting to cast their vote. Then we have some cases in Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Ohio, where the Clintons were reported to go into polling places with Massachusetts being reported that Bill, although I don’t think it was intentional, ended up blocking a polling location. There's also the Superdelegates that gave the false appearance that it was all said and done for Bernie. The problem though is that none of the Superdelegates were binding until the convention and without them, it would have shown Clinton and Bernie a lot closer than what was actually reported.

Near the end of the primaries, the Dems were hit with Wikileaks, the DNC’s hacked emails. In those leaks, it showed the DNC was highly biased towards Hillary Clinton. That in itself is troubling as the DNC is suppose to be impartial and fair to all candidates until the convention. Nonetheless, there it was and many Bernie supporters saw this. What is even more troubling was the chair of the DNC Debbie W Schultz going after a news anchor through their boss because that news anchor said something negative about Hillary. These leaks ultimately lead to Schultz resigning from the DNC Chair to only jump on board with Hillary as her Campaign Chair.

At The Convention

So when the primary is all said and done, Hillary Clinton was pronounced the winner. Unfortunately for her, even the DNC had issues. At the DNC, there were reports of a large protest outside of the DNC, with them breaching 1 of 3, yes that’s right, 3 fences. I remember there were images comparing the DNC with Trump, saying something along the line of, “Donald Trump says he will build a wall, the DNC actually built it.” Of course this was not reported at all. The protest was not the only thing though as there were many issues with the DNC that were not reported.

First and foremost, there was a clear divide with the DNC itself. Nothing was more evident of this when Bernie supporters walked out when the Clinton nomination was announced, leaving roughly half of the convention empty. Before that though, there were stories of paid actors to take the place at open seats, thanks via a Craigslist ad, barring exit doors so no one can leave during Hillary’s speech, and of course, shutting off the lights in the section of the audience where they were chanting, “No More Wars.” Even Green Party Candidate Jill Stein crashed the convention, although she was quickly escorted out. Funny how the thing I still remember was the Jill Stein banner behind Hillary as she was giving her acceptance speech. Of course, who can forget the image of Bill Clinton sleeping as Hillary gave that same speech.

Dark Clouds Over The Democrats In The General

Things did not get easier for Hillary Clinton after the DNC. In fact, they got worst. Wikileaks overshadowed Hillary and the Dems with threats a new email leak. This time, it came in the form of the Podesta emails. In the new emails leading to the election, it was discovered that Donna Brazile, current Chair of the DNC, sent questions from CNN to Hillary’s campaign prior to not just one, but 2 primary debates, giving an unfair advantage in the primaries. This action ultimately got CNN to “fire” Brazile after the second time was revealed. The emails also showed that Clinton had what appears to be a “Pay to Play” system where donors can give money and get something in return. It should be mentioned at this point that even though there is very little reports about it, the IRS is currently investigating the Clinton Foundation for this particular practice. I think what was extremely troubling to the voters though may have come from her position of a “public position and private position.” That solidified the public view of her as being a liar and saying anything for votes.

Let’s not forget the leaks regarding the Goldman Sachs speeches. Yes, these are the same speeches that Bernie was trying so hard for Clinton to release in the primaries. In them showed just how trusting Hillary was towards Wall Street, a position that many in the public disagree. In those speeches, she said that the people who are best suited to deal with regulating the financial market was the financial market themselves as they had knowledge of how it works. However, there is one teeny problem with that logic and it came in 2008 with the Housing Bubble. The same financial markets are the ones that caused the bubble to burst because they knew how the system worked, how even though many have suffered because of it, they will benefit because, well, they knew how the system worked.

Although the campaign quickly tried so hard to say that Russia was behind the leakes, which was and still is a separate issue, it did not address the main concern. Other than Donna Brazile, everyone else in the Hillary campaign did not deny nor talked about anything that was said in neither those emails nor the Goldman Sachs speeches. This left many to believe the emails and speeches were true. To this date, there are no mentions of the speeches or email leaks but the email leaks are slowly getting authenticated by major companies, including Google.

Not Surprised The Polling Was Off

Polling, polling, polling… where do I begin about the polling? First and foremost, the polling has been off throughout the entire election season so it is no surprise that they were off for the general election as well.

First things first, let’s talk about the polling in the Democratic Primary. Throughout the primaries, it showed Bernie to be less than Hillary in many of them. This is no surprise as Hillary was the favorite and many thought she would win them. However, on the days people voted, the results ended up being far different than the polling suggest. In states where Bernie was winning in the polling, the results were far greater in favor of Bernie. It was completely different in the opposite direction. States where Hillary was winning in the polling, the result showed Bernie was closer than expected, even surpassing her to win the state. I remember a poll at one of the states showed she was winning by around 17%. On the day people voted, it ended up being about 6%. Even in Massachusetts, the state was heavily in favor for Hillary Clinton but she ended up winning by less than 2%.

As for the Republican Party, I will admit, I did not really follow them too much. In reality, it became quite apparent by March 2016, that Trump will be their nomination. Nonetheless, I remember polling gave Trump a whopping 1% chance of winning the nomination at the start of the primary. I also remember some states where Ted Cruz was favored to win in polling, only to have the final outcome of Donald Trump winning. 

Now moving onto the general election, it was quite similar. After the DNC, Hillary Clinton was the favorite to win. After all, they reported she had a 90%+ chance of winning at the time. In fact that chance stayed pretty consistence until late September to early October. The problem though is that for some reason, the polls were showing Hillary slipping in the polls since late August but the news decided to not update their chances until a month later. I personally noticed the polls shrinking, to the point where I openly said that a Trump win was not surprising at all. Yet, many still considered Hillary the favorite to win.

It was not until a week before the election where the news finally noticed that Hillary’s lead was nearly, if not already gone. Still though, they predicted Clinton to win. The most generous anyone gave Trump was Nate Silver of 538, giving Trump about a 30% chance of winning. After looking at the past polls closely myself, I gave my guess on November 2 of Trump winning a 49% chance.

So What Now?

The future is all but uncertain as to what will happen. Will there be war? To be honest, I don’t think there will be. After all, Trump did came out saying something that actually impressed me during the general election, “If the rebels did overthrow Assad - and he's a bad guy - you might very well end up with worse...” Yes, I know, it makes him sound intelligent, especially since Hillary came out saying she would put sanctions on Syria, which would have undoubtedly start a war with Syria and possibly Russia.

As for the economy, we are already seeing the effect of it in the market except there is something that really is quite liberal. As far as I know, Trump is against trade deals like NAFTA, which ultimately caused many of US jobs to go overseas. That is probably why he won in the states that were mostly affected by NAFTA.

Last but not least, who is to blame for the results? Well, the sad truth is that the Dems are already blaming others. They are blaming the 3rd Party Candidates for taking away their votes, even though there was no guarantee the votes from them would go to the Dems. They are blaming Bernie Sanders for dividing the Democratic Party, even though the actions of the Dems disenfranchised the Bernie supporters from the beginning. They are blaming media for not being tougher on Trump, even though they were soft on Hillary. Yet, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party have only one thing to blame, themselves. The actions you did this election not only affected the US Presidency, it affected the House Majority, the Senate Majority, and the Governors race majority. To put it bluntly, you lost it all.

November 17, 2016: As in my last paragraph, the members of the Democratic Party are blaming everyone other than themselves. They even went as far as blaming the voters for not going out to vote but those who did vote, for not voting for Hillary Clinton.

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